Stabilize your Soil
Secure your Future
Gain higher yields from your pasture and crops while utilizing fewer fertilizer inputs. Agriculture is the largest user of freshwater and a major cause of the degradation of arable land andwater resources. Agrigain is part of the solution by reducing irrigation and fertilizer demands while building stronger soils.
Performing soil tests are highly recommended when using Agrigain products. Soil analysis will show the fertility and mineral density of your soil and indicate what Agrigain products will best benefit your operation to meet your production goals.
Agrigain products fit perfectly into organic or grassfed operations. All of our products are offered in OMRI listed formulations that meet all USDA Natural Organic Program standards. For producers looking to reduce chemical fertilizer use and nitrogen runoff, Agrigain products with SumaGrow® are an excellent choice. Learn more about the SumaGrow® solution.
Agrigain products with SumaGrow® unlock the bound nutrients within the soil and grow more nutritious forages and pastures for improved cattle performance. Cattle producers who use SumaGrow® products have reported higher stocking rates, higher average daily gains and healthier cattle with shiny hair coats. Mineral requirements for cattle herds may decrease as the livestock ingest more natural minerals in the plant from grazing healthier, more nutrient-dense forages.